Your Projects: Blink when there is a visitor

Be sure to check out this great blog post by Dmitri Popov and his neat way to get a BlinkStick notification whenever somebody visits his photo gallery running on a Raspberry Pi!

I’m using BlinkStick with Pygmyfoto running on my Raspberry Pi. Every time someone visits the gallery, BlinkStick blinks with random color.

Read the full blog post over here: Using BlinkStick with Raspberry Pi and let’s get his BlinkStick blinking!

Your Projects: BlinkStick and Moisture Detection

Chris Hannam shared a video of how he uses BlinkStick to indicate moisture. He is using an Arduino hygrometer sensor to change the color of a BlinkStick if it’s not damp enough.

Now even your plants can have fun with BlinkStick! 🙂 Well done Chris!

You can find the bit of code that does the magic on Github:

Postman detector with web enabled camera, BlinkStick and Raspberry Pi


Quentin Stafford-Fraser came up with a brilliant idea on how to combine web enabled camera, BlinkStick and Raspberry Pi to give him a notification whenever postman arrives at his door. It also gives a great overview of BlinkStick package for Python.

Check out his original blog post with embedded video and links to all of the tools and software packages used to achieve this neat hack!

It’s so great for me to see hacks like this. This is the main reason why I created BlinkStick in the first place: to be a simple tool that lets you use it in ways that I could have never imagined! 🙂