Latest edition of Raspberry Pi Geek features an article about BlinkStick!


Dmitri Popov has written and amazing article about BlinkStick and it is featured in the latest edition of Rasperry Pi Geek!

<..> Born as a single relatively simple LED device, BlinkStick has evolved into several distinct products. Each BlinkStick model has unique characteristics that make it suitable for specific projects and purposes. <..> All BlinkStick models have one thing in common, though: They feature bright multi-colored RGB LEDs that can be controlled individually. <..>

Dmitri has written an overview of BlinkStick devices, a tutorial about setting up BlinkStick on the Raspberry Pi and some great examples on how to utilize the super bright LEDs on the device. Raspberry Pi Geek is a fantastic magazine so head over and subscribe if you haven’t done so already! 🙂

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